Dental Treatment Under Controlled Relaxation

Dental Treatment Under Controlled Relaxation

Many people have heard or experience the “happy gas” to control pain.  In dentistry we use a mild gas to control fear and anxiety and make dental visits more pleasant and stress free. Relative analgesia is a safe , simple procedure utilized to induce a state of relaxation and warm comfortable feeling allowing the patient to have…

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Signs of Gum Infections

Signs of Gum Infections

There are two different stages of periodontal or gum disease Gingivitis and Periodontitis , if  you notice any of the following symptoms a visit to the dentist is highly recommended  Red, swollen gum  Tender, painful or bleeding gums  Gums that shrunk from the teeth  Persistent bad breath  A bad taste in the mouth  Abscesses  Loose…

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Tips for a Better Oral Health

Tips for a Better Oral Health

The following tips will help you to prevent caries and maintain a healthy oral condition  Don’t rinse the toothpaste from your mouth after brushing your teeth,  this will keep the fluoride from the tooth paste in contact with your teeth for longer and remineralisation of the enamel is guaranteed.  when out and about sugar free…

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How To Clean Your Toothbrush

How To Clean Your Toothbrush

Toothbrushes can become contaminated every time you put it in your mouth.  It is important and simple to keep it clean.  Give your toothbrush a thorough wash with tap water before and after you brush your teeth.  Deep clean the toothbrush regularly by soaking it  in an antibacterial mouth rinse.  After use keep it upright in…

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Full Dental Exam

Full Dental Exam

Regular examinations and professional cleans are the best method to prevent oral disease.  It is cost effective, a full examination, scale and  clean of teeth, fluoride application and two x-rays is $89.  It can save you literally hundreds of dollars because we implement preventive protocols to keep bacteria , caries and gum disease under control…

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The Truth About Mouth Rinses

The Truth About Mouth Rinses

Mouth rinses are commercial antiseptics to be used at home as part of the oral hygiene routine, However they do not eliminate the need to brush and floss two to three times a day. Mouth rinses should contain fluoride and must be free of alcohol.  Fluoride strengthens the teeth against decay by joining the minerals in…

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Best Food For Your Teeth

Best Food For Your Teeth

the following is a list of “functional Foods” that are really good for your teeth according to Dr Wu ( Paediatric Dentistry Researcher University of Illinois) Tea: Polyphenols found in black and green tea slow down the growth of bacteria associated with caries and gum disease Cheese eaters have ales acidic mouth according to research…

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How To Floss Your Teeth  Properly

How To Floss Your Teeth Properly

Use 18 inches of floss wrap most of it around the middle fingers of both hands and grasp the string tightly between the thumb and the forefinger using rubbing motion guide the floss between the teeth when the floss reaches the gum line form a C to follow the shape of the tooth hold the…

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The following information is certainly an eye opener, according to the AIHW this is where our dental health stands  42% of 5 years old have experienced decay in their baby teeth.  caries rate increases as our children get older, 61% of 9 years old have experienced decay in their teeth.  this statistic is even more…

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Tips to Healthy Teeth

Tips to Healthy Teeth

Here are some tips and habits that will help you to keep your teeth healthy for longer  We’ve been told to brush our teeth after every meal BUT it is very important to wait for at least 30 minutes after we eat so the acid(PH level ) in the mouth is more neutral and less…

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