Many people have heard or experience the “happy gas” to control pain. In dentistry we use a mild gas to control fear and anxiety and make dental visits more pleasant and stress free. Relative analgesia is a safe , simple procedure utilized to induce a state of relaxation and warm comfortable feeling allowing the patient to have…
ZOOM! Advanced Teeth Whitening
Dr Patricia Calderon is a fully-accredited ZOOM! Tooth Whitening dentist provider , offering the very latest light-activated technology of ZOOM AP (Advanced Power). Clinically proven to whiten teeth by up to eight shades in one office visit, ZOOM AP removes all signs of staining to give you a “Hollywood white” smile in just one hour….
Child Dental Benefits Schedule
The Child Dental Benefits Schedule is a new child dental program that provides eligible children and teenagers aged 2 to 17 with up to $1,000 capped over two consecutive calendar years, for basic dental services. Eligible families, teenagers and approved care organisations will receive a letter from the Australian Government to confirm eligibility. The CDBS…
New CDBS letters to Eligeble Children
The government has distributed confirmation letters for 2015 to eligible children for Dental Services cover by Medicare, if you have not received one or just want to confirm if your children are part of the CDBS program simply call Medicare or let us know and we can find out for you. We bulk billed dental…
Signs of Gum Infections
There are two different stages of periodontal or gum disease Gingivitis and Periodontitis , if you notice any of the following symptoms a visit to the dentist is highly recommended Red, swollen gum Tender, painful or bleeding gums Gums that shrunk from the teeth Persistent bad breath A bad taste in the mouth Abscesses Loose…
Tips for a Better Oral Health
The following tips will help you to prevent caries and maintain a healthy oral condition Don’t rinse the toothpaste from your mouth after brushing your teeth, this will keep the fluoride from the tooth paste in contact with your teeth for longer and remineralisation of the enamel is guaranteed. when out and about sugar free…
Professional Development
I am very happy to announce on Friday 20th February I will have the opportunity to be trained by Dr Greg Mahoney (president of the Australian Society of Dental Anaesthesiology) and Dr Michal Walker (past president of the ASDA) in relative analgesia known as Nitrous Oxide Sedation or “happy Gas” It is a very important step…
Good News
To all our friends and patients from the end of February 2015 I will be able to offer you the famous “happy Gas” to control your fear and anxiety towards dental treatment. Conscious sedation is a great and safe alternative to have dental treatment done in a relax state feeling no fear or anxiety, while you…
Perfect Time
This is the perfect time to get your first dental examination of the year, No excuses!!!! $89 Welcome offer for new patients full examination. including scale and polish of teeth , fluoride application and 2 x-rays